A Call to the Watchmen

I have a special message to bear. The Lord is to be our Light, and we are to reflect the light He gives us. We must be sanctified, soul, body, and spirit. Every moment we must be on our guard lest we be overcome by our adversaries.


The brethren and sisters who know the truth are not to draw largely upon the ministers for help. Let the messengers of God be left as free as possible to labor for the multitudes who are unwarned.

To my brethren in positions of responsibility I would say, the needs of the large cities have been kept before you. You have had message after message concerning your duty. And now what will you do that the charge of the Lord may be obeyed? Upon all the Lord is calling: “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we (first) believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light;” “redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

As we begin active work for the multitudes in the cities, the enemy will work mightily to bring in confusion, hoping thus to break up the working forces. Some who are not thoroughly converted, are in constant danger of mistaking the suggestions of the enemy for leadings of the Spirit of God. As the Lord has given us light, let us walk in the light. We are not to be satisfied with a cheap experience. We need to examine ourselves to see where we fail, that on these points we may gain precious victories.

- Pamphlets 020 1.1-2.1 August 8, 1910


The Living Dead: Torpidity of Conscience


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