Awesome Sabbath

Sabbath is quite simply AWESOME!! It is a Joy and a Blessing. PTL! #takeyourSabbathrest

1. Sabbath is all about Jesus

---Eternal rest in Messiah, which cannot be 'worked' for

---Memorial not only if creation, but our deliverance from slavery - Egypt. Deuteronomy 5:15 'remember God brought you out....therefore God commanded keep the Sabbath Day'

2. Jesus and Apostles kept the Sabbath

Acts 13:14, 42,44. 16:13. 17:1-2. 18:4

---no Scripture shows a change. Only change of Sabbath day happened outside of Scripture therefore it is not a command of God but rather by man. Matthew 5:17-20

---even the least of the commandments were to be taught and kept if we are to be great in heaven

Luke 4:16.

3. Any disputes in btwn Pharisees and Jesus was never about keeping Sabbath, but about HOW to keep it.

---overly focusing on man made traditions of how to keep takes away from the true blessing of rest.

---if your efforts increase your stress and cortisol, think twice, kneel, and pray for wisdom.

---Christ wants us to follow His example 1 Corinthians 11:1

4. Sabbath is quite simply AWESOME!! It is a Joy and a Blessing. PTL!

---a big break from our high pressure fast paced culture

---this allows us weekly to re-prioritize what's most important in our lives, our God, our families, and people we love.

---we were not created created work our lives away in drudgery

---weekly, we get a glimpse of what life will be like in God's Kingdom

watch the video!


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