Light of Heaven to Reveal the Path

All around us are afflicted obscurity...lost their bearings... know not what course to pursue. Let the perplexed ones search out others who are in perplexity, and speak to them words of hope and encouragement.

When they begin to do this work, the light of heaven will reveal to them the path that they should follow.

By their words of consolation to the afflicted they themselves will be consoled. By helping others, they themselves will be helped out of their difficulties. Joy takes the place of sadness and gloom. The heart, filled with the Spirit of God, glows with warmth toward every fellow being. Every such an one is no longer in darkness; for his “darkness” is “as the noon day.” [Verse 10.]

17 Letters and Manuscripts 116, 1902


Petition of the Inward Work of Grace


People Prefer False Prophets; People Deceived by Sinful Leaders