Progress of Reform in Germany


Luther Disappears, safe as a prisoner, and thiscauses greater enthusiasm to read/study his works

Reformation gains strength constantly

Fundamental Principal of Reformation: Word of God as the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice

Along with progress came:

  • Increase in False Prophets

  • Honest people misled

  • Students abandoned Word of God

God does more with His Word than all of us with our united strength.

Luther continued to work diligently in faith and God’s power brought back the misled people.

Fanaticism brought violence and terrible results such as:

  • Holy Scriptures = dead letter & people began to cry “The Spirit, The Spirit" instead.

  • Leaders of Fanaticism: ambitious for position and influence and unwilling to be second to Luther “spirit of jealousy”

    • Governed by impressions and impulse as voice of God

    • Burning Bible stating the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life.

    • appeal to mean’s desire for he marvelous/utopia. putting human idea over Word God.

    • order of public worship denounced

    • give into prejudices and passions

  • Results

    • sedition & strife was the result

    • accusation of legalism against the true Christians

    • Luther eventually blamed for the thing he is trying to fix

    • fanatics now acting like victims

      • i.e. racism, lgbtq, republicans, liberals, provx, antivx, prolife, proabortion, feminist movement - everyone putting themselves in the position of the victim while transgressing the law themselves.

Righteousness is called sin and sin is called righteousness.

Faithful to God left to stand alone w/ suspicion and distrust.

Satan’s most successful devices: diverting minds from Scripture leading men to follow own feelings & impressions.

Word of God: Weapon mighty in every conflict

  • Hebrews 4:12 “two-edged sword”

  • Proverbs 5:4 “two-edged sword”

  • Revelation 1:16 “two-edged sword”

Three types of idols: All man-made

  • Rationalism: reason

  • Romanism: papacy (sovereign pontiff)

  • Fanaticism: imagination, influences - charismatic leader

True Christianity bases their knowledge and understanding on the Word of God

Luther’s translations —> colporteurs spread it through cities & schools

  • Ps 119:130

“Bible if not IP (intellectual property) - it is an open source!” - Ank316

  • Commoners’ knowledge exceeded the educated in Scripture.

God’s teachings fulfilled the wants of the souls of people which kept them from going back to Romanism.

  • Satan’s work, persecution & fanaticism, will make more clear the contrast between the work of Satan & the work of God.


French Reformation


John Wycliffe