French Reformation

Wycliffe, Huss, Luther, Lefevre, Farel… these reformers during the age of darkness were educated and read the True Word of God, and could not help but to act on such life-saving Words which had been concealed from everyone.

Lefevre, Farel, Berquin, Calvin

Princess wished the truths of the Bible would take over France, outwardly it did not. But when persecution started, the elite - scholars and artists - fled leaving their posts and that class of people became vacant. This showed many were reached by the True Gospel.

Farel @ Switzerland: “Like the first disciples, when persecuted in one city he fled to another. From village to village, from city to city, he went, traveling on foot, enduring hunger, cold, and weariness, and everywhere in peril of his life. He preached in the market places, in the churches, sometimes in the pulpits of the cathedrals. Sometimes he found the church empty of hearers; at times his preaching was interrupted by shouts and jeers; again he was pulled violently out of the pulpit. More than once he was set upon by the rabble and beaten almost to death. Yet he pressed forward. Though often repulsed, with unwearying persistence he returned to the attack; and, one after another, he saw towns and cities which had been strongholds of popery, opening their gates to the gospel. The little parish where he had first labored soon accepted the reformed faith. The cities of Morat and Neuchatel also renounced the Romish rites and removed the idolatrous images from their churches.” GC 231.2

France was given much light. Bold reformers, Berquin for example was even deemed worse than Luther by the French Romish leadership, yet they rejected the light and violence swarmed the nation in the form of Christian persecution by the Catholics, horrible torture, and then the Royalty by the commoners - French Revolution, the Reign of Terror, via the guillotine.


Progress of Reform in Germany